Yes! I would like to make a cash contribution to the Tolkien Art Museum.
I believe in the importance of the Arts in our community, and I have a lot of money I don't really need. Please accept my kind contribution to the Tolkien Art Gallery. I understand that my cash donation is completely tax-deductible unless I get caught. All proceeds will be used to benefit the Tolkien Art Museum, unless the museum curators spend the money someplace else.
I hereby pledge my contribution of:
Remember, once you've selected a pledge you can't take it back.
The Tolkien Art Museum thanks you for your generosity! Our collection agents will be in contact with you shortly. And remember: for every thousand dollars you send above and beyond your original pledge, we'll mail you a free kitchen utensil! Through this exclusive offer, you'll have a complete set of cutlery in no time!
Exhibits displayed in the Tolkien Art Gallery are:
- Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
- I and my Village by Marc Chagall
- Senecio (a.k.a. Head of a Man) by Paul Klee
- Bar at the Folies Bergères by Edouard Manet
- detail from Moulin Rouge by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
- detail from Hylas and the Nymphs by J. W. Waterhouse
- Voice of Space by René Magritte
- Birth of a Deity by Salvador Dali
- detail from Horsemen; Symmetry 67 by M. C. Escher
- House of Stairs by M. C. Escher
- Painted Bronze by Jasper Johns
- The number 3, printed in 72-point Arrus Bold type
- Improvisation 35 by Wassily Kandinsky, hung upside-down
- The Runaway by Norman Rockwell
- Turning the Stake Boat by Thomas Eakins
- Sinbad the Sailor by Paul Klee
If you really do have that much money to give away, feel free
to e-mail me.