Think Safety!
(NOTE: All warning symbols were taken from actual equipment.)

DO NOT stand underneath the forklift.

DO NOT leap off the scaffolds.

DO NOT fling yourself off the scissor-lift and plummet to your death.

DO NOT crush yourself with large dangerous heavy machinery.

DO NOT stick your hand into the gears.

DO NOT do song-and-dance numbers when you're thirty feet up in the lift.

DO NOT put your hand into the acid.

DO NOT throw a party and drink champagne and carouse merrily while in the lift.

Ow! My foot!

Hey! Didn't I tell you to keep your hand out of that acid?

You'd be amazed at how many people insist on using the Genie-lift during the height of a hurricane.

STAY AWAY from the Killer Vending Machine.

Whatever you do, for God's sake DON'T vote Republican!

...Do we really have to tell you that explosions are bad for you?

DO NOT hit people in the head with the dustpan.
DO NOT read the eye-straining fine print.